Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ruru Kshetra

Ruru Kshetra is a famous tourist area and Holiest place of Palpa.  People are compated this place with banaras the holiest place Hindus in India. It is lies on Palpa near the K"ali Gandaki.' Ridi is a suburb with urban character. Its population is about two thousand. It lies at the confluence of a mountain stream called Ridi Khola and the river Kali Gandaki. At this place, Kali Gandaki changes its route from north west to east. A track of about 10km .leads the travelers from Tansen to Ridi. There is also a regular bus service available. Ti takes about two hours to cross 30 km. long metalled road from Tansen to Ridi. It is situated in a deep narrow valley. There are many historic temples here. Most famous of them is the temple of Rishikesh established by Mukund Sen, the first, the king of Palpa. It is said that the king discovered the statue of God Rishikesh in the river kali Gandaki when he had a holy dip into it.
“The most important characteristic and aspect of Ridi is its sanctity. It is regard by Nepalese as being almost equal in holiness to Banaras, which is too far distant for any but the wealthier among the Nepalese to visit. But when their strength is failing them, many old man and even old women of Nepal will attempt the long journey in to India in other that their bodies may be burnt at holy Kashi and their ashes assimilated with the waters of the thrice-sacred Ganges. At Ridi there is held out to them that after death the ashes of the faithful may become compacted and incarnate in the famous saligram stones of the Gandak.
“The main building of the place is the Rikhesar temple, where there is a famous statue. This is an image of Rikheswar Rishikesh Bhagwan, one of the avatars of Vishnu. Local tradition has it that this statue was at the time of its discovery of the size and nature of and infant boy , but that it has in the course of years assumed the appearance of an adult god, and there are many old men and old women here who will testify to this miracle”
The present temple of Rishikesh was renovated by Ranadal Pande in tee second decade of the last century. Its shape is like a louts flower. Among other temples situated at Ridi Manimukundeshwar temple is regarded as the oldest one. Mukunda Sen had built this temple and established a charity trust, which provides the pilgrims with food and shelter.
There are many cave-temples here. The old lime stone mines have created deep caves and beautiful shapes in the caves. Those shapes are worshiped as the images of gods and goddesses. Bhrigutungeshwar Cave and Galful Caves are very famous and fascinating to look at.
There is a Buddhist Chaitya-temple-called Sugandha Bihar here, which is one and half century old.
 The most important and biggest festival of Ridi is Maghe sakranti Mela-the day on which the Sun changes its root from tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of cancer. It falls in mid January. Thousands of people come here from India and remote areas of Nepal. One of the most remarkable things of the festival is the selling of Nepales handicrafts and local products like woolen rugs, bamboo products, wooden pots, medical herbs etc. They are brought here from the Himalayan districts.
The next important festival of Ridi is the annual festival of Rishikesh, which is held in November. On every eleventh day of the lunar months and on the occasions of solar and lunar eclipses pilgrims come here to have a dip into the sacred river. Travelers can enjoy boating and fishing and sunbath here.
Newars are the main inhabitants of Ridi. Their colorful cultural and religious ceremonies and festivals may draw the attention of every stranger.
Like Banaras Ridi is a famous religious crematory. A considerable number of population consists of widows and old people who pass their bays in worshiping the gods and waiting their last days.
Burning pyres, marriage ceremonies, Sharadh, i.e. paying homage to the dead and other rites and rituals are the regular scenes at the sandy bank of river Kali Gandaki, at Ridi.


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